Horoscopes • December 2024
Stu's Stars
A loose interpretation of the celestial skies, with particular reference to the December.

​Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21) Happy Birthday!
Avoiding stress in December is a tall order for anyone, but skipping town just when everyone is primed for family get-togethers and exchanging well-intentioned gifts, isn’t really a clever option. Seasonal backache won’t help you enjoy the festivities either, but at least you’ll have a captive audience for your grumbles and complaints, so give full vent to them.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19) ​
Mercury is determined to help you enjoy Christmas this year, which could be why, as the month starts, you find yourself bubbling with excitement. Spending time with friends and family is great, but don’t forget the kids. Take them to the theatre for a treat, or spelunking if that’s their thing nowadays. It can be hard to keep up.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 19)
Make sure you stay warm, and if you must venture out of doors at all, wear your best shoes. And if your best shoes are starting to feel somewhat clapped out, buy some new ones now. Don’t wait for Christmas to provide a solution; presents are great, but less so if they pinch at the heel or make a squeaking sound when you run.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
December always feels like it’s the end of something; which makes perfect sense if you own a calendar. But really it’s just another 31 days in a row, with a real chance of snow, all thoroughly infused with Yuletide spirit. TV networks always overdo the buildup, but try not to scream.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)
It’s only natural to analyse 2024, now that it’s nearly done and dusted, but remember to live in the now. If you feel jaded with Christmas, try to spice things up with a lively Toga Party in the run-up. It worked in hit ’70s frat comedy ‘Animal House’, kind of... No spiking the punch!
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)
If there are any relationship issues simmering away gently in the background, try to resolve them before the party season kicks in. There’s nothing ruins a wild party faster than a bust-up with your better half. You know what to do, it’s just your natural tendency to procrastination that’s gumming up the works again.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)
There’ll be no last minute dashing around the shops to finish off the festive preparations for Gemini! Your organisational skills, coupled with your passion for all things festive, ensure that the celebrations run as smoothly as a military operation. Just remember to hang up your apron and join in the fun.
Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)
Emotional instability at Christmas is fairly common, but particularly so with sensitive, or maybe even oversensitive, crabs. It’s good to be sensitive, and the world would be a happier place if more people were, but it can also feel like a heavy load has been unjustly dumped on your shoulders. Compensate with cake, pudding, etc....
​Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)
Leos are traditional, particularly at this time of year. You know when to put up your decorations, and nothing on earth can sway your resolve (not even the pleading of children!). No experimental nut-roast for you; it’s turkey or nothing, followed by a lazy afternoon in front of the box watching that Bill Murray movie. Don’t hog the nuts!
​Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)
A month of wellbeing approaches. It’s time to indulge your creativity with a festive spread that your nearest and dearest will reminisce about for eons, or years (whichever is shortest). Not all Virgos are agog for the festive season, but that’s their lookout. Try not to quarrel with your uncle this year, unless he pushes his luck!
​Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
Be on the look out for surprises! December has been known to pack a few in the past, so don’t be too surprised if some innocent party surprises you with a surprising surprise. The key is to smile and act like you enjoy surprises, even unexpected ones. Maybe spring a few of your own?
​Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 22)
Not given to relaxation, Christmas can be a taxing time for Scorpios. Planning party games and all the organisation that goes into shopping and finding the ideal gift for everybody is great. But sitting around nibbling at mince pies and getting beaten at ‘Triv’ is anathema to many hard working scorpions. Eat more walnuts.